Identity V Wiki

"The White and Black Guards had their souls imbued into an umbrella where they are bound together, forever."
— Rumor

Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu
Character Full Portrait Wu Chang
Difficulty Difficulty Full Difficulty Full Difficulty Empty
Alias Wu Chang
Gender Male
Character Day September 2
Career Yamen
Clues 4508
Echoes 658

Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu are one of 22 Hunters IconHelpLoading hunter currently featured in Identity V Identity v. "Wu Chang" is their collective name, individually their names are Xie Bi'an (White Guard) and Fan Wujiu (Black Guard).

Overview[ | ]

Wu Chang is a hunter who has 2 souls in 1 body, known as White guard and Black guard. They conceal in a black umbrella and can transform their soul erratically.

Quotes[ | ]

“Walking slowly in silence, aloof, sad and melancholy. Encountered a person holding an umbrella. But it was not you. Just like waking up from a dream there is only the lane and me in the rain.” —Wu Chang

Background[ | ]

Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu (the White and Black Guards) had always been like brothers. As they traveled to Nantai Bridge one day, they noticed it was going to rain. Xie Bi'an told Fan Wujiu to wait under the bridge while he returned home to get an umbrella. After Xie Bi'an left, the rain began to pour and the river rose, but Fan Wujiu, reluctant to break his promise, stayed under the bridge. Shortly after, Xie Bi'an returned with the umbrella only to find that the bridge was now submerged and Fan Wujiu was nowhere to be seen...[1] He had drowned.

Xie Bi'an was so grieved that he had no choice but to live without Fan Wujiu. No matter whether it was rain or shine, he carried the black umbrella during the day and wore white mourning clothes. He eventually committed suicide by hanging himself under the Nantai Bridge and left the black umbrella where Fan Wujiu had stayed.

The umbrella was found by a merchant and placed as a hallway centerpiece in his home. Since then, his family has had strange things happen to them. The black umbrella in the room was often unsupervised. In the middle of the night, the sounds of men sighing fill the hall. Everyone said that White Guard's soul was in the umbrella. Merchants invited a Taoist to get rid of the umbrella to lift the spell on the town. Since then, the house had been calm and quiet. Soon after, the merchants went out, but on the way, they found that the country was in chaos, and that the umbrella was missing.

External Traits[ | ]

External Traits
Icon Name Description
External Trait Dual Soul
Dual Soul The White and Black Guards had their souls imbued into an Umbrella and their souls can be switched by using Summon. The White Guard excels at patrol and pursuit and moves swiftly but has a slow Stun Recovery and Attack Speed; the Black Guard excels at melee combat and has fast Stun Recovery Speed, but moves slowly.

Abilities[ | ]

Wu Chang sacrifices proficiency in either melee or movement to increase the proficiency in one of the two. Their three unique Abilities are:

Icon Name Description
Ability Summon
Summon Use the skill to switch into Dual Soul mode, or hold down the skill button to charge up and toss the Soul Umbrella forward and then switch to Dual Soul mode and teleport to where the Umbrella lands. The longer you charge the skill the further you can toss the Umbrella.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Ability Infinite Nirvana
Infinite Nirvana Throws the Umbrella at the target location, where it will stay for 5 seconds. Outlines of Survivors in the area covered by the Umbrella will be shown, with their movement speed and vaulting speed slightly decreased, and other interaction speeds significantly decreased. Outlines of these Survivors will still be shown for 5 seconds after they move outside of the area. For the duration where the Umbrella is active, Wu Chang can choose to teleport to where the Umbrella is and switch to Dual Soul mode, or retrieve the Umbrella to recover skill cooldown. Without the Umbrella, Wu Chang's movement speed and vaulting speed is increase. The Umbrella will return to Wu Chang when the 5 seconds are up.

Cooldown: 30/5 seconds

Ability Siphon Soul & Wavering Soul
Siphon Soul & Wavering Soul The White Guard's body moves with ease, and when it fully enters the spiritual realm it won't be able to interact with anything for 5 seconds. However, its movement speed is greatly increased and it will siphon the souls of nearby Survivors. If it manages to fully siphon a Survivor's soul, their soul will be lost.

Lost Soul

Bedazzled and unable to interact with the environment.

When the Black Guard rings the bell and casts Wavering Soul, all survivors that hear the ringing will have to steer their resolve and calibrate with precision. Should they fail the calibration, they will become horrified for 60 seconds; if they fail another calibration during that time, their soul will waver.


Movement directions will be reversed

Cooldown: 20/14 seconds

Ability Summon - Enhanced
Summon - Enhanced Reduces the time it takes to switch in Dual Soul mode, and you will immediately perform a powerful Siphon Soul or Wavering Soul upon switching.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Deduction Target[ | ]

All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic Points Logic Points for the Logic Path Logic path

  1. Friend
    How is it that such familiarity is felt at first sight?
    • Basic Objective: Use Summon 1 Time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Use Summon 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Use Summon 3 times
    Two boards tied together at the waist: the names of two government runners were vaguely visible, Fan Wujiu and Xie Bi'an.
  2. Worry
    Criminal! The guilty should be punished!
    • Basic Objective: Hit survivors 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 1: Hit survivors 3 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Hit survivors 4 times
    An indictment: The local governor has filed a lawsuit against the government officers for injuring his only son at a tavern.
  3. Strong Wind
    Why has it come to this?
    • Basic Objective: White Guard pursues Survivors 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: White Guard pursues Survivors 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: White Guard pursues Survivors 3 times
    Chivalry does not always bring praise.
  4. Sudden Downpour
    What good is an undeserved reputation?
    • Basic Objective: Black Guard tramples 1 pallet
    • Advanced Objective 1: Black Guard tramples 2 pallets
    • Advanced Objective 2: Black Guard tramples 3 pallets
    Who started the fight? You or Xie Bi'an?
  5. Misfortune
    Haven't you overestimated yourself?
    • Basic Objective: Place Survivors on the Rocket Chair 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Place Survivors on the Rocket Chair 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Place Survivors on the Rocket Chair 3 times
    A secret letter: The local governor has asked the county government to resolve this issue within ten days.
  6. A Reason
    Cannot give up...
    • Basic Objective: White Guard teleports 36 meters by tossing his Umbrella
    • Advanced Objective 1: White Guard teleports 54 meters by tossing his Umbrella
    • Advanced Objective 2: White Guard teleports 72 meters by tossing his Umbrella
    First confession: Xie Bi'an confessed to assault at the tavern and that no one else was involved.
  7. An Excuse
    Cannot stay...
    • Basic Objective: Black Guard teleports 36 meters by tossing his Umbrella
    • Advanced Objective 1: Black Guard teleports 54 meters by tossing his Umbrella
    • Advanced Objective 2: Black Guard teleports 72 meters by tossing his Umbrella
    Second confession: Fan Wujiu confessed to assault at the tavern and that no one else was involved.
  8. Restlessness
    Hope is not always present when confronted with a hopeless situation.
    • Basic Objective: White Guard uses Soul Siphon 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: White Guard uses Soul Siphon 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: White Guard uses Soul Siphon 3 times
    Letter of appointment: Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu have been appointed to apprehend the fugitive together.
  9. No one is blameless
    If it's not from above, there will be punishment.
    • Basic Objective: Black Guard hits Survivors with Wavering Soul 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Black Guard hits Survivors with Wavering Soul 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Black Guard hits Survivors with Wavering Soul 3 times
    A letter: Fan Wujiu tells Xie Bi'an to meet him at Nantai Bridge to discuss the assault.
  10. Rain or Shine
    Is that right? Or wrong...
    • Basic Objective: White Guard hits Survivors after using Siphon Soul 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: White Guard hits Survivors after using Siphon Soul 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: White Guard hits Survivors after using Siphon Soul 3 times
    Using his record in the apprehension of fugitives, Xie Bi'an earned himself a chance to choose the truth. He chose to become the only guilty party.
  11. No return to Nantai
    Who is the one who broke their promise?
    • Basic Objective: Black Guard hits Survivors after using Wavering Soul 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Black Guard hits Survivors after using Wavering Soul 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Black Guard hits Survivors after using Wavering Soul 3 times
    Fan Wujiu knows that the governor doesn't want the truth. He wants somebody to pay the price.
  12. It's Still Raining
    Goodbye. Will we still meet again in this lifetime?
    • Basic Objective: Eliminate all Survivors
    • Advanced Objective 1: Eliminate all Survivors
    • Advanced Objective 2: Eliminate all Survivors
    A final verdict: The government officer, Fan Wujiu was accused of assault at the tavern, but before the details of the case could be ascertained, he drowned under Nantai Bridge during a rainstorm. The case of assault has therefore been concluded.
After deducing Node 12: It's Still Raining, Wu Chang's Worn Clothes costume will be unlocked.

Appearance Decoration[ | ]

Icon Name Series Description Cost
Original Already Equipped The original costume. Everything looks so natural. N/A
Worn Clothes N/A All the clothes are super tattered. Was it only a game they have been through? N/A
Divine S2 Essence 2 Pray in times of need and you might receive an answer from the void that will bring you happiness. N/A
Far East Wind Costume
Far East Wind Late Spring Today is the day I have to decide, when shall I return peacefully. 2888 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 12888 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Frost N/A Passion only brings a full head of steam that destroys one's process of thinking. A rational thinker must stay cool and calm at all times. 2888 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 12888 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
The Intersection Bishounen Junji Ito Collection Have you ever encountered them at a foggy crossroads? N/A
Requiem Memory Sphere Season 8 He had already used that silver scythe to sever all connections with the past. N/A
Flying Guillotine Memory Sphere Season 10 As destiny pushes him off a cliff, the cries of the gentle, even at the top of their lungs, won't turn back time. As the dust settled... perhaps... remaining calm is the ultimate answer. N/A
Broken Blossoms
Broken Blossoms Deduction Star Waiting still as the moon's up high, the eastern wind blows from the curtain inside. 1388 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 4888 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Incomplete N/A Nothing is further than Yin and Yang. A thought can decide one's life and death. 318 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 1188 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Waterless Stream Memory Sphere 3 This side is decayed while that side is vigorous; there no heroes and no thoughts. N/A
Spiked Guards Memory Sphere 5 Red or blue? Both choices are irrelevant. N/A
Sunset S3 Logic Path reached 1258 The sunset gradually faded and the rain gradually stopped. I close the fence and stand with my melancholy. Looking at a thousands miles of scenery, I am saddened by the decline of the five mausoleum towns. It matters not, do no think of the past. N/A
Twin Lakes Logic Path reached 1258 (S9) By the emerald waters and under the ivory clouds I waited, but she never appeared. N/A
Purple Pavilion Logic Path reached 1258 (S13) The Purple Pavilion accidentally falls in love, the green mountain deliberately goes into disguise. N/A
Icon Name Series Description Cost
Tide Bringer Memory Sphere Season 5 Gradual accumulation leads to big changes. Perseverance is the key to success.
Special Effects
Skill Effect Replacement
1888 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 8388 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Frozen Core Snow Storm Condensation- the greatest magic given by science to time.
Special Effects
Replaces skill effects
1068 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 3888 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Dust Spring Festival of 2019 The vague fragrance leaves an ember trail. All worries are turned into ash.
Special Effects
Parchment Memory Sphere Season 3 They have passed away and exist only in pictures. N/A
Past Memories Memory Sphere Season 7 Those people and things have been long buried in the past. 258 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 968 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Taegeuk Mirror Memory Sphere Season 12 People often overlook the fact that there are two sides to everything, or it may be exaggerated. 258 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 968 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Icon Type Name Series Description
Muse Mark
Graffiti Muse Mark Already Equipped The Graffiti content for all survivors and hunters, Muse Mark
Graffiti Wu Chang - Gray Shadow Wu Chang's exclusive Graffiti, Gray Shadow.
Emote Salute Salute Motion, exclusive to Wu Chang
Emote Threaten Memory Sphere Season 6 Threaten Motion, exclusive to Wu Chang
Emote Rolls 4-Sided Dice 4-sided Dice Enthusiast

60 Echoes

Rolls 4-sided Dice Motion, exclusive to Wu Chang
Standby Motion
Icon Name Series Description
Default Already Equipped Hunter's default motion in matching room
Demonstrate Memory Sphere Season 5 Wu Chang Exclusive Matching Room Standby Motion - Demonstrate
Visit S8 Rank Treasure VI Wu Chang Exclusive Matching Room Standby Motion - Visit (visible to Survivors)
Snooze Memory Sphere Season 6 Wu Chang Exclusive Matching Room Standby Motion - Snooze

Tips[ | ]

Playing As[ | ]

  1. From the start of the match, immediately cast the umbrella to a cipher machine (Knowing spawn places would be extremely helpful.) If there is a survivor, summon. Otherwise, walk around with that bonus movement speed for a few seconds.
  2. White Guard has large hit box using charged attack, while Black Guard is known for fast pallet breaking speed, fast recovery speed. Find out which one suits you the most in each moment.
  3. When affected by both skills, survivors will start to have cards glowing around, sharply decreased movement speed, moving in both directions.
  4. Trick, when you are face camping, switch to Black. If a survivor is coming to rescue, switch to White to activate Lost Soul to nearby survivor, make them unable to rescue. However this only works while full presence is achieved.
  5. After using "Summon" Wu Chang gets a buff that significantly decreases start up of his next attack. That is especially useful, while switching from black to white guardian form as it lets him perform a quick charged attack.
  6. When you are camping 2 chairs, cast your umbrella to the other chair, and if there is a survivor approaching that chair, summon. Make sure there aren't any survivors around the current chair before you summon.

Recommended Talent:[ | ]

  • Teleport: Summon is Teleport. However, Teleport is more powerful in late-game when you need to patrol multiple cipher machines at once and teleport to ciphers above Wu Chang.
  • Blink: If you struggle in chase, use Blink. Blink always helps.
  • Peeper: Peeper reduces movement and interaction speed. Helpful for White Guard.

Countering[ | ]

  1. Wu Chang players often choose White when pursuing, use that as a advantage. White Guard's hit box is long, but has a narrow range, so if Wu Chang is charging, try and juke him.
    • Black Guard hit box is short, but has fast recovery speed and fast pallet breaking speed, meaning he is better at kiting around pallet. His Wavering Soul also stuns survivors for 0.5 seconds, meaning he can cut kites pretty easily. However, he can't cut distances that fast, and often has to summon to get near to the survivors.
    • White Guard's Siphon Soul makes him gain fast movement speed for a few seconds, and his incredible hit box makes him better at shortening distance. But his slow attacking speed lets survivors get to a pallet or juke to avoid getting hit.
    • White Guard has a slow start up on his attack, so you can use that little extra time to juke the attack.
    • Black Guard has a shorter hitbox, so you can quickly try to move farther away to avoid the attack
    • White Guard can't interact with anything while using Siphon, and stunning him while he's in the process of siphoning cancels out the skill and it enters cooldown.
    • Black Guard can't attack while he has the bell in his hand when using Wavering Soul. When rescuing, try to juke the bell and go for the rescue as there is a short animation where he puts back the bell.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Their birthday is 15th of July in Chinese lunar calendar, this makes their birthday vary every year.
    • Their birthday in 2020 is 2nd of September.
  • Their interests are painting and calligraphy.
  • Their skills are in verse and sword fighting.
  • They hate rope and the rain.
  • They like umbrellas and compasses.
  • Their clothing looks similar to the colors of the Chinese Yin and Yang.
  • They are based off of the myth of Heibai Wuchang, they are worshiped as the fortune deities in Chinese temples. The white guard would bring good fortune to people who have done good deeds and the black guard would punish others for committing evil acts.
  • They are not actually biologically brothers, as familial terms often insinuate closeness in Chinese. “Bound by brothers” specifically translates to basically “together at the hip.” It is heavily implied that they do see each other as brothers at least, being referred to as such on multiple occasions, as well as Bi'an's new year's greeting letter to the player during the Lunar New Year Event 2021.

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]

See Also[ | ]

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Character Portrait The Feaster Hastur - The Feaster Character Portrait Wu Chang Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu - Wu Chang Character Portrait Photographer Joseph Desaulniers - Photographer Character Portrait Mad Eyes Burke Lapadura - Mad Eyes Character Portrait Dream Witch Yidhra - Dream Witch Character Portrait Axe Boy Robbie White - Axe Boy
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